DAP-1360U CMDi

DAP-1360U CMDi TIMELINE 4/07/2020: Report to d-link 5/07/2020: D-link security team response - waiting for their verification 15/07/2020: D-link confirms CMDi, providing a firmware for me to test the fix 18/07/2020: Tested the latest provided firmware, the vulnerability does no longer exist. 01/10/2020: Going public - took time cause I'v been busy ;) 06/10/2020: CVE-2020-26582 DAP-1360 The D-Link DAP-1360 Wireless N Range Extender can provide your wired network with wireless connectivity, or upgrade your existing wireless network and extend its coverage. The vulnerability was found on H/W Ver. A1, F/W Ver. 2.5.5, a weakness was discovered based on the ping functionality in the web interface. I was provided with F/W 3.0.1 as the fix. DAP-1360U - taken from http://www.dlink.ru/il/products/2/2056.html ...